美国Prestige only高端留学申请

  • Prominent Counsellors
    Prominent Counsellors
    Consultants chosen from highly selective process will assist
    you in succeeding in your future.
  • Rigorous Extracurriculars
    Rigorous Extracurriculars
    Diverse community service and independent projects to
    create meaningful experiences and impact.
  • Individualized Major and
    Career Selection
    Individualized Major and Career Selection
    Comprehensive and scientific approach to customize your
    college major and career path.
  • Nuanced School Selection
    INuanced School Selection
    Excellent admissions counseling experience brings you an
    accurate and personalized approach to selecting the school of best fit.
  • Creative Application Essays
    Assist you in polishing your application essays starting 6
    months before application deadlines, making you stand out
    among applicants.
  • Effective School
    Relationship Building
    Effective School Relationship Building
    Build a strong and lifelong relationship between you and
    your dream school.
  • 长期路线规划会议

    Long-term Roadmap Meeting


    01 长期路线规划

    Long-term Roadmap

    “孩子的未来成长一目了然,跃然纸上! ”


  • 导师咨询会议

    Consulting Meetings


    03 导师咨询会议Consulting Meetings



    - 标化考试准备课程

    在前往美国名校进行进一步提升的道路上总有一些躲不开的门槛,标化考试就是其中之一。我们为PO学子提供SAT/ACT/TOEFL/AP/SAT II/IB等标化考试备考课程,由经验丰富的导师全方位解析考试要点和考试方式,帮助孩子正常发挥自己的英语水平,考出最能展现自身实力的分数。

    - 模拟招生委员会


    - 升学指导服务


    - 核心能力提升服务


  • 学期进度报告

    Progress Reports


    02 学期进度报告

    Progress Reports



  • 服务质量评估

    Parents Feedback


    04 服务质量评估

    Parents Feedback



  • 集中训练营

    Intensive Boot Camps


    05 集中训练营

    Intensive Boot Camps


    每日6:00 – 22:00高密度日程表,让孩子的每一天都充满精彩。每周15小时运动时间,全面提升体能。丰富多彩的能力提升课程,从戏剧课、大师课到户外领导力提升以及标化考试培训,样样出众。我们拒绝填鸭,拒绝应试,拒绝无聊!给这些未来领袖们30天的时间相互结实,成就更加出色的自己。

  • Helena



    我们对孩子的教育理念一直都是Teaching Life Long Success。那所谓的Teaching Life Long Success是什么意思呢?在加入Prestige Only团队这么长时间以后,我的理解就是:我们不仅仅帮助孩子申请到合适的学校,而是根据孩子的现实情况提升在生活中,大学里甚至是今后工作中受益的隐形但实用的软技能。就像我的一个学生在申请季完结之后亲口感叹的一样:“老师,我加入PO三年多了。我觉得我不加入PO也可以成长,但是加入PO让我成长的更快。”我相信,这也是她对PO最中肯的评价了。

    在Prestige Only的服务模式里,家长也能够全面参与到学生的学习过程之中,让学习和申请变得不再是孩子自己的事情。在升学指导规划图的指引下,灵活的早期规划让学生和家长对申请的每一步都了如指掌,同时也给了父母和孩子更多的共同语言。在后续的服务中,从每周的导师与学生会面后详尽的报告到每季度的学习进度报告,每个孩子都会实实在在的看到自己语言能力,批判性思维能力,时间管理能力,活动发展,甚至是课程学习能力的提升和进步。在申请阶段,Prestige Only团队也会利用其强大的关系网络及名校资源,为学生提供关键性的推力。


    我是美国高端申请团队Prestige Only的高级运营顾问Helena。

  • Edward Lee

    加州大学伯克利分校 政治经济专业学士

    As I begin my 10th professional year as an educator and teacher, I have begun to wonder what brought me here. I used to believe that my experience and interest budded back in 2010 as an SAT teacher and application consultant for a boutique academy in Seoul, South Korea, but over the years I have realized something different. I have been an educator, a mentor since the day my brothers were born. Growing up with two younger brothers in a semi-traditional Korean American family has cemented my role as a mentor. In Korea there is a saying that the firstborn must set a good example in order for the younger siblings to follow suit, so the standards I set for myself, along with my parents, were high. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to become, except to gain accept to and attend a prestigious university. So, I did the only thing I could – strive to be the best.


    Fueled by my competitive nature, I always looked towards the number one spot. From academics to athletics, I wanted to win. Luckily, attaining perfect grades and winning the affection of my teachers came easily, especially as I entered middle school. However, athletics came with many different challenges. As a child, I wasn’t fond of too many sports, or at least the ones my parents exposed me to during my younger years. Eventually, I found my passion in contact sports, such as martial arts, and tennis during my middle school years but had to train twice as hard in order to compete with my peers.


    During this time, my brothers and I were inseparable. Opportunities and hurdles alike brought the Lee brothers together, and I felt responsible for not only their growth, but also their well-being. I shared my successes, as well as my failures, so both could reap the benefits of my experiences in hopes of them finding success and happiness faster than I could at their age. Unlike my tiger mom, who never complimented me until the day I graduated high school, I took a different approach with my brothers. I would be their biggest critic and supporter. Deep down, I didn’t want them to face some of the difficulties I had to face growing up.


    Soon, my knack and passion for mentoring my brothers passed onto others. Whether it was service opportunities in my community or leading my peers in academic subjects and extracurriculars, I wanted to bring the best out of people. One could say that my more selfish nature evolved to become selfless as I matured, and I would fuel my competitive nature into others. In college I had the opportunity to take my mentorship to the next level. From leading study groups for economics courses to collaborating with my peers to consult start-ups and Fortune 500 companies, I was not only contributing towards the growth of others, but also gaining mentors so that I could continue learning. I came to realize that no matter how old one becomes, one must have mentors in order to grow.


    I believe mentorship goes hand in hand with education. Education goes beyond the classroom, it is a way of life, and is augmented with the right mentors. My life is a testament to my path as an educator and mentor. To this day, I continue learning to be the best I can, so that I can pass on my experiences to my mentees, while searching for more passionate and accomplished mentors.


  • Benjamin Cardarelli

    巴布森学院 工商管理专业学士

    I am a Senior Consultant with EIC New Pathway's Prestige Only academic advising team. I believe that education is critical to helping young people unlock their purpose and realize their full potential in life. Motivated by my own difficulties as a student, i teach youth how to think independently, dream big, and take action. I challenge my students to seize responsibility of their own learning and be proactive, rather than wait for instructions or supervision. I leverage education as a tool for students to build self-confidence, explore identity, and carve their own path forward.

    做为启德 Prestige Only 团队的一名高级顾问,我坚信教育是帮助孩子制定目标并实现人生潜力的一个重要途径。作为一名曾经的学生,我也经历过困难与挫折,这段经历给予我启发,让我在教导孩子们的时候,更注重培养他们的独立能力,他们既要胸怀大志也要付诸实践。比起当一个温室的花朵,我更希望我的学生们能主动的承担起学习的责任,因我我相信通过教育这个有效的工具,他们能够自信,不断的探索和开拓自己未来的人生道路。

    Prior to EIC New Pathway, I founded my own mobile technology startups and worked in Management Consulting at Accenture. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Business Administration from Babson College in Boston, MA.

    我本人在加入PO 之前,曾创建了自己的移动技术公司,并在埃森哲(Accenture)从事管理咨询工作。我以优异的成绩毕业于马萨诸塞州波士顿的巴布森学院(Babson College),获得工商管理学士学位。

  • Helena



    我们对孩子的教育理念一直都是Teaching Life Long Success。那所谓的Teaching Life Long Success是什么意思呢?在加入Prestige Only团队这么长时间以后,我的理解就是:我们不仅仅帮助孩子申请到合适的学校,而是根据孩子的现实情况提升在生活中,大学里甚至是今后工作中受益的隐形但实用的软技能。就像我的一个学生在申请季完结之后亲口感叹的一样:“老师,我加入PO三年多了。我觉得我不加入PO也可以成长,但是加入PO让我成长的更快。”我相信,这也是她对PO最中肯的评价了。

    在Prestige Only的服务模式里,家长也能够全面参与到学生的学习过程之中,让学习和申请变得不再是孩子自己的事情。在升学指导规划图的指引下,灵活的早期规划让学生和家长对申请的每一步都了如指掌,同时也给了父母和孩子更多的共同语言。在后续的服务中,从每周的导师与学生会面后详尽的报告到每季度的学习进度报告,每个孩子都会实实在在的看到自己语言能力,批判性思维能力,时间管理能力,活动发展,甚至是课程学习能力的提升和进步。在申请阶段,Prestige Only团队也会利用其强大的关系网络及名校资源,为学生提供关键性的推力。


    我是美国高端申请团队Prestige Only的高级运营顾问Helena。

  • Edward Lee

    加州大学伯克利分校 政治经济专业学士

    As I begin my 10th professional year as an educator and teacher, I have begun to wonder what brought me here. I used to believe that my experience and interest budded back in 2010 as an SAT teacher and application consultant for a boutique academy in Seoul, South Korea, but over the years I have realized something different. I have been an educator, a mentor since the day my brothers were born. Growing up with two younger brothers in a semi-traditional Korean American family has cemented my role as a mentor. In Korea there is a saying that the firstborn must set a good example in order for the younger siblings to follow suit, so the standards I set for myself, along with my parents, were high. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to become, except to gain accept to and attend a prestigious university. So, I did the only thing I could – strive to be the best.


    Fueled by my competitive nature, I always looked towards the number one spot. From academics to athletics, I wanted to win. Luckily, attaining perfect grades and winning the affection of my teachers came easily, especially as I entered middle school. However, athletics came with many different challenges. As a child, I wasn’t fond of too many sports, or at least the ones my parents exposed me to during my younger years. Eventually, I found my passion in contact sports, such as martial arts, and tennis during my middle school years but had to train twice as hard in order to compete with my peers.


    During this time, my brothers and I were inseparable. Opportunities and hurdles alike brought the Lee brothers together, and I felt responsible for not only their growth, but also their well-being. I shared my successes, as well as my failures, so both could reap the benefits of my experiences in hopes of them finding success and happiness faster than I could at their age. Unlike my tiger mom, who never complimented me until the day I graduated high school, I took a different approach with my brothers. I would be their biggest critic and supporter. Deep down, I didn’t want them to face some of the difficulties I had to face growing up.


    Soon, my knack and passion for mentoring my brothers passed onto others. Whether it was service opportunities in my community or leading my peers in academic subjects and extracurriculars, I wanted to bring the best out of people. One could say that my more selfish nature evolved to become selfless as I matured, and I would fuel my competitive nature into others. In college I had the opportunity to take my mentorship to the next level. From leading study groups for economics courses to collaborating with my peers to consult start-ups and Fortune 500 companies, I was not only contributing towards the growth of others, but also gaining mentors so that I could continue learning. I came to realize that no matter how old one becomes, one must have mentors in order to grow.


    I believe mentorship goes hand in hand with education. Education goes beyond the classroom, it is a way of life, and is augmented with the right mentors. My life is a testament to my path as an educator and mentor. To this day, I continue learning to be the best I can, so that I can pass on my experiences to my mentees, while searching for more passionate and accomplished mentors.


Strategy Consultant

我们从行业内拥有美国TOP30名校背景的导师中甄选出拥有7年以上专业教育咨询和升学指导经验的精英,组成了Prestige Only的顶级顾问团队,战略顾问。

Our strategy consultants possess over 7 years of industry experience and make up our top consultant team. They have all been chosen from top 30 US universities under a highly-selective process.

Senior Consultant


Our senior consultant team comes from various top 30 US universities and possesses various fields of expertise. This enables us to match each student with the most appropriate senior consultant.

Operations Consultant


Operations consultants are Chinese colleagues who have studied abroad and possess ample experience in the college application process. They are passionate about international education and responsible towards their students. Their role is to facilitate the communication with parents and offer parents feedback on student progress.

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