美国Premier only赋能计划

启德推出的赋能计划(Premier Only),是启德教育集团旗下推出的中高端服务项目,



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—— 那就是赋能计划!

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Service Framework

Premier Lite服务
升学指导 Application Guidance
升学指导 Application Guidance
规划服务Planning Service
*考试规划,个性化活动设计及时间规划 Test Timeline,
Personalized Activities Planning and Time Management
Premier Plus服务
升级版升学指导 Updated Application Guidance
升级版规划服务 Updated Application Guidance and Planning Service
Premier Transfer服务
大一-大二/First-Second Year
申请指导 Application Guidance
Premier Only Core Curriculum is highly recommended
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  • 申请指导
  • 领航课堂
  • 增值服务

Summer school
selection guidance

Application path planning

Document brainstorming & polishing

Real interview
simulation guide

Visa guidance

Leave the guidance


学术先修课程:全方位培养学生独立思考,独立研究,公共演讲,阅读及写作等美国大学生必备技能, 并让学生提前适应美国大学课程,探索各专业领域








  • Yizi

    ◆ M.S. in Mass Communication, College of Communication, Boston University
    ◆ Master of Business Administration, Concentration in Information Technology, Goldey-Beacom College
    ◆ Five years’ experience living in the U.S; Professional experience in Journalism and Social Media Marketing working in China, Boston and New York
    ◆ Three years’ experience helping students with their applications for Top 50 American universities and elevating their integrative competence
    ◆ Student of the distinguished New York Times columnist David Carr’s class at Boston University
    ◆ 波士顿大学传播学院大众传播硕士
    ◆ 芶地毕肯学院工商管理硕士,主攻信息技术方向
    ◆ 归国从事留学申请与英语口语教学工作3年,曾帮助多名学生申请到全美Top 50名校,并全方位提升他们的综合能力
    ◆ 曾被选中成为纽约时报著名专栏记者David Carr在波士顿大学授课的学生


    ◆ B.A. in Economics, Minored in Business, University of Southern California.
    ◆ Received High School Education in England, 7 years experience abroad. Traveled and lived in United States, England, Spain, Israel and Jordan.
    ◆ Familiar with Elite Universities in the U.S. and the Application Process
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in U.S. College Application Consulting, Specialty: Schools on the West Coast
    ◆ Students Admitted to UCLA, USC, UCSB, Vanderbilt and Other Top 30 U.S. Colleges
    ◆ 南加州大学,经济学学士,辅修商科
    ◆ 高中起独自赴英国接受教育,有7年海外生活经验及学习经历,曾独自旅居于美国,英国,西班牙,以色列和约旦,中英文俱佳
    ◆ 对美国顶尖院校,尤其西海岸院校知识及申请策略尤为熟悉
    ◆ 3年美本申请指导经验,学生进入加州大学洛杉矶分校、圣巴巴拉分校、南加州大学,范德堡大学等前30名校就读

  • Jonathan

    ◆ B.A. in Philosophy and Economics, New York University
    ◆ Areas of Focus: International Economics, Ethics, Epistemology, Phenomenology, and Logic
    ◆ 4 + Years of Professional Experience in Customer Service and Business Managing
    ◆ Served as a Student Tutor at an Elite School, Helping Undergraduate Students Develop Their Papers
    ◆ 纽约大学,哲学与经济学专业,双学士学位
    ◆ 擅长国际经济学,伦理学,知识论,现象学,逻辑学等领域
    ◆ 4年以上的客户服务以及商业管理经验
    ◆ 顶尖大学学生辅导经验,指导学生学业及论文


    ◆ • MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Sheffield Hallam University
    ◆ 3 Years of Student Mentoring Experience, Providing Students with Solid College Information and Feasible Activity Planning.
    ◆ Experience in Conducting Full Market Research Processes ,Marketing , Project Management, Planning, Scheduling, and Implementation
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese, Conversational in Spanish
    ◆ PADI certified Open Water Diver
    ◆ 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学, 国际酒店与旅游管理专业硕士
    ◆ 有三年学生指导经验,善于为学生提供详尽的学校资讯并帮助学生策划具有可行性的课外活动方案
    ◆ 拥有丰富的市场调研市场推广经验,项目规划与执行经验
    ◆ 精通英文和中文,掌握熟练的西班牙语
    ◆ 受PADI认证的公开水域潜水员


    ◆ B.S. in Information Systems, The Max M. Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, minored in Music; Summa Cum Laude, Pace Setter Award (highest recognition)
    ◆ Global Education Background from USA, Singapore, UK, and China
    ◆ Experience in Business Analytics, Data Warehousing, and Decision Support Systems
    ◆ Enthusiast and Trouble-shooter in the Integrated Realm of media, technology, and business innovation
    ◆ 俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔商学院,信息系统工商管理学士,辅修音乐;获得最高学术及荣誉奖项毕业
    ◆ 具有横跨美国、新加坡、英国和中国的国际化教育背景
    ◆ 在商业分析、数据仓储和决策支持系统方面有资深经验
    ◆ 在媒体、科技及商业创新的交叉领域的行家

  • Leah

    ◆ M.A. in Social Studies Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
    ◆ Areas of Focus: Curriculum Theories and Multicultural Education, Ethics of Assimilation
    ◆ 3+ Educational Experience in Diverse Cultural Backgrounds, Including Tutoring and Teaching TOEFL &SAT in Beijing, IB Certified School in Cambodia and New York
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese; Conversational in Korean
    ◆ 哥伦比亚大学,社会研究教育硕士
    ◆ 关注领域包括:课程理论、跨文化教育等
    ◆ 3年以上在不同文化环境下的教学经验,包括在北京、柬埔寨及纽约等地,在有IB认证的学校教授TOEFL和SAT课程
    ◆ 精通英语和中文,会基础的韩语


    ◆ B.A. in Economics, Minored in Business, Fordham University
    ◆ Soft skills Trainer Certified by the Ministry of Education in Singapore, Experienced in Developing Soft Skill Courses and Conducting Them in Schools
    ◆ Experienced in Image Grooming and Course Development for Personal Success
    ◆ Volunteer Speaker at Children’s Homes in Singapore, Coaching Students in Need
    ◆ 福特汉姆大学,经济学学士,辅修商科
    ◆ 受新加坡教育部认可的软性能力培训师,在软性能力培训课程开发及实践方面有资深经验
    ◆ 在学生个人成功指导方面具有丰富经验,包括学生形象培养及个性化课程开发
    ◆ 曾在“儿童之家” 担任志愿者发言人,为有需要的孩子们授课


    ◆ M.S. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
    ◆ Served as Head Teacher for IHM Literacy Center
    ◆ Worked as Graduate Assistant for Penn GSE, and Volunteer Tutor for Teaching Chinese at University of Pennsylvania
    ◆ Served as a Program Lead for C2 Education; Worked with Hundreds of Students and Families in Ellicott City, Maryland
    ◆ 宾夕法尼亚大学,教育学研究生院,对外英语教学硕士
    ◆ 在宾大就读期间,作为当地培训中心的志愿教师教授英文
    ◆ 曾任宾大教育学院研究助理,宾大中文助理教师
    ◆ 在C2教育集团担任主管助理,在马里兰州为数以百计的学生和家庭提供个性化教育服务

  • Olivia

    ◆ B.S. In Management, Krannert School Of Management, Purdue University
    ◆4 Years Of American Undergraduate College Consulting Experience, Providing Students With Activity Planning, Essay Revising, and Mock Interview Prep, Helped many students Admitted In Top30 Schools
    ◆2 Years Of Professional Experience As An Editor And Writer Of Voice Magazine, Responsible For News Gathering, Draft Reviewing And Essay Writing In The U.S.
    ◆ 普渡大学管理学院,管理学学士学位
    ◆ 在留学教育行业工作4年,在美国本科申请中的选校定校、活动规划,文书提升修改,面试辅导等方面有丰富经验
    ◆ 帮助多名学生进入TOP30学校,包括埃默里大学,卡耐基梅隆大学,密歇根大学安娜堡校区,维克森林大学,纽约大学(Stern商学院),乔治亚理工学院,芝加哥艺术学院等
    ◆ 曾在美国VOICE留学生杂志工作2年,担任编辑和作者,负责新闻收集,稿件审核和专栏写作工作


    ◆M.A. in Education, University of Pacific
    ◆Vice President of Chinese Students and Scholar Association
    ◆Experience in Working with Students and Helping them to Improve Soft Skills as an Activity Consultant
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese
    ◆ 美国太平洋大学教育学院,教育专业硕士
    ◆ 在校期间曾担任中国学生联合会副主席
    ◆ 曾在某知名教育机构担任活动策划师,擅长利用学生优势为其制作个性化活动方案,并亲身参与活动,辅导学生进步
    ◆ 精通英文和中文


    ◆ M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida
    ◆ Worked as a Senior Analyst of FMCG Department in Nielsen
    ◆ 5 Years of High School Consulting Experiences. Helped a lot of International Students to Gain Acceptance to US Top Boarding Schools and Day Schools Including The Taft School, St Andrew School, St. Marks School, Thayer School etc
    ◆ Familiar with Top Boarding School and Day School Application Process and Standard. Give More Information to Student about Engineering and Science Major in School and Career
    ◆ 佛罗里达大学,化学工程专业硕士
    ◆ 曾任全球最大市场咨询研究公司尼尔森咨询部门的高级分析师
    ◆ 5年美国高中申请经验,帮助大量国际学生申请到美国顶尖寄宿及走读高中,例如塔夫特中学、圣安德鲁中学、圣马可中学、萨尔中学
    ◆ 熟知美国高端寄宿及走读高中及顶尖高中申请服务流程,能够为学生提供更多美国理工科及顶尖咨询公司的信息

  • Kathy Lin
    Kathy Lin

    ◆ B. A. in Gender Studies, The University of Adelaide, Australia
    ◆ Melbourne Shelford Girls Grammar Graduate
    ◆ 3 Years of Professional Experience in Event Planning, Business Development and Customer Service
    ◆ Worked as Operational Consultant in Premier Only
    ◆ 7 Years of Living and Studying Experience in English-speaking countries
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese
    ◆ 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学人文学院,性别研究专业学士
    ◆ 高中毕业于墨尔本私立女校谢尔福德
    ◆ 3年活动策划、商业拓展和客户服务经验
    ◆ 长期担任高端团队规划师及运营顾问工作
    ◆ 在英语国家生活学习7年
    ◆ 精通英文和中文


    ◆ B.A. in English, Huazhong Agricultural University ; B.M. in Accounting (Minor Degree), Wuhan University
    ◆ Four-Year Experience of Application Guidance for International Students. Experience in Teaching and Advising at International Department of Shenzhen Guanlan Middle School
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese
    ◆ Familiar with Top Boarding School and Day School Application Process and Standard. Give More Information to Student about Engineering and Science Major in School and Career
    ◆ 华中农业大学英语专业学士;武汉大学会计专业学士
    ◆ 4年多海外留学申请指导经验;曾在深圳观澜中学国际部负责过培训和升学指导
    ◆ 精通英语和中文


    ◆ M.S. in Marketing Research, B.A. in Marketing, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University
    ◆ Served as a Teaching Assistant in the Post Oak School, Lansing MI
    ◆ Worked as a Market Research Analyst Intern in TechSmith Corporation, Okemos MI
    ◆ Employed as a Senior Market Analyst in Yoozoo Interactive, Shanghai
    ◆ 密歇根州立大学,伊莱布诺德商学院,市场营销学士,市场研究硕士
    ◆ 本科就读期间,曾在当地小学担任志愿者助教
    ◆ 硕士就读期间,在电子科技公司TechSmith Corporation实习,市场研究分析师实习生
    ◆ 在游族网络担任高级市场分析师,负责国内与海外游戏用户研究及全球游戏市场研究工作

  • Kairui

    ◆ B.A. in Mathematics, New York University
    ◆ 24 Years of Experience Living and Studying in the U.A.E., the U.S., the U.K., Deeply Engaging with Various Cultures Whilst Understanding Chinese Values
    ◆ Specializes in test prep and trains students’ logical thinking and quantitative analysis
    ◆ Experienced in event planning, including galas and conferences
    ◆ Trinity College London Advanced Performance Certificate
    ◆ 纽约大学,数学专业学士
    ◆ 出生在阿联酋,后分别在美国、英国生活,对中西方文化均有深刻理解
    ◆ 擅长SAT、托福、雅思的考培辅导;锻炼学生的逻辑思维和分析能力
    ◆ 拥有丰富院校申请和活动策划经验
    ◆ 获得伦敦圣三一学院钢琴演奏级水平认证


    ◆ B.A. in Philosophy and Minored in Business Studies, New York University
    ◆ Specialized in Classical Philosophy, International Relations, Marketing, and Operations Management
    ◆ Part of NYU Study Away in London and NYU Liberal Studies Program in Washington, DC
    ◆ 10+ Years of Study Abroad Experience (from Middle School to College), Extremely Knowledgeable in American Culture and Politics
    ◆ Experienced in American College and High School Applications, Specialized in Tutoring Students in liberal arts and business subjects
    ◆ American Red Cross Disaster Response Volunteer and Swimming Coach at ServeYourCityDC
    ◆ Creative Writing Society in London
    ◆ 纽约大学哲学专业学士,辅修商学
    ◆ 擅长中西古典哲学,国际关系学,市场学,与运行管理学
    ◆ 曾参与纽约大学伦敦留学计划和纽约大学华盛顿博雅计划
    ◆ 12岁出国,十几年留学经历,对美国文化和政治有深入研究和了解
    ◆ 拥有丰富的美本和美高申请经验,尤其擅长人文、社会、商业学科学生的培养和指导
    ◆ 担任华盛顿特区城市志愿游泳教练和美国红十字会长期志愿者
    ◆ 伦敦创作性写作组织成员, 拥有丰富写作经


    ◆ B.A. in Anthropology and Dance, College of Arts and Science, University of Washington
    ◆ 5 Years of Abroad Experience; Traveled and Lived in America, Italy, Mexico, Jordan, Colombia and Nepal
    ◆ 3 Years of Experiences Consulting US College Students to Write College Level Essays; 1 Year of Experience Working as a Study Abroad Consultant
    ◆ Initiated Multiple Undergraduate Independent Research and Received Mary Gates Scholar Award
    ◆ 华盛顿大学,文理学院,人类学、舞蹈双学士
    ◆ 已有5年海外学习生活经历,曾旅居于美国、意大利、墨西哥、约旦、哥伦比亚和尼泊尔,中英文俱佳
    ◆ 3年经验指导美国大学内的本地及国际学生进行论文写作
    ◆ 曾多次自主研发跨学科独立研究项目,获得“玛丽盖茨学者”称号

  • Iris

    B.A. in Applied Mathematics with Philosophy Minor, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Berkeley
    ◆ Went to High School in Toronto, 6 Years of Abroad Experience, Familiar with Top Schools on Both the East Coast and the West Coast
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in U.S. College Application Consulting, Students Admitted to Brown, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Caltech, GIT and other Top 30 U.S. Colleges
    ◆ Selected as one of the 17 Ruhr Fellows from Princeton, Harvard, Berkeley and University of Pennsylvania to Visit and Study in Germany
    ◆ 加州大学伯克利分校,文理学院,应用数学学士,辅修哲学
    ◆ 自高中独自赴多伦多留学起,已有6年海外学习生活经历,中英文俱佳,熟悉美国和加拿大东西海岸的高等学府
    ◆ 3年申请文书指导经验,学生进入布朗、加州大学伯克利分校、洛杉矶分校、加州理工、佐治亚理工等Top30名校就读
    ◆ 作为美国4校联盟(普林斯顿、哈佛、伯克利、宾大)的17名学生代表之一,受邀由政府公费支持赴德交流访学,对欧美中文化都有深入了解


    ◆ B.A. in English, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Berkeley
    ◆ Received Canadian High School Education in Toronto, 7 Years of Abroad Experience
    ◆ Excellent Understanding of Elite Universities in the U.S. and the Application Process
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in U.S. College Application Consulting, Helping Students Admitted to University of California, Berkeley; University of California, San Diego and Other Top U.S. Universities
    ◆ Participated and Coordinated Various Educational Activities On and Off Campus
    ◆ 加州大学伯克利分校,英语语言专业学士
    ◆ 高中起赴加拿大接受教育, 已有7年国外学习和生活经验
    ◆ 对美国顶尖院校教育体系和申请流程非常熟悉
    ◆ 拥有3年美国本科申请经验,帮助学生成功进入加州大学伯克利分校,加州大学圣地亚哥分校等前50院校
    ◆ 运营个人电影公众号,爱好撰写小说,热爱摄影以及拍摄短视频


    ◆ M.A. in Teaching – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California
    ◆ B.A. in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, School of International Education, Shanghai International Studies University
    ◆ Internships in Domestic and U.S. Schools, Excellent Understanding of Various Education Systems
    ◆ Multiple Years of Abroad Experience, Familiar with Top Universities in the U.S., Especially those on the West Coast
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in U.S. College Application Consulting, Students Admitted to UC Berkeley, USC, UC San Diego and Other Top 50 U.S. Colleges
    ◆ 南加州大学,教育学院,对外英语教学硕士
    ◆ 上海外国语大学,国际教育学院,汉语国际教育学士
    ◆ 丰富的国内外学校实习经历,了解各种教育体系
    ◆ 多年的海外学习留学经历,熟悉顶尖院校,对西海岸院校尤为熟悉
    ◆ 3年申请文书指导经验,学生进入加州大学伯克利分校、圣地亚哥分校、南加州大学等前50名校就读

  • Monica

    ◆ MSc in Marketing, University of Leicester
    ◆ Ares of Focus:International Marketing, Market Research and Interactive Business English
    ◆ 2 + Years of Teaching Experience in College
    ◆ National Teacher Certificate, Customs Declaration Certificate, Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate
    ◆ Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, Conversational in French
    ◆ 英国莱斯特大学,市场营销硕士
    ◆ 擅长国际市场营销,市场调研,商务英语教学等领域
    ◆ 2年以上的大学教学经验
    ◆ 拥有教师资格证,国家心理咨询师证,报关员证书
    ◆ 精通中文,粤语,英语,会基础法语


    ◆ B.A. in International Hotel and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business School, University of Queensland, Australia
    ◆ 7 Years of Abroad Experience, Familiar with Various Education Systems
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in Profile-raising, Students Admitted to Cornell, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Syracuse University and other Top 50 U.S. Colleges
    ◆ Fluent in English, Chinese and Korean
    ◆ 昆士兰大学,商学院,国际酒店与旅游管理专业学士
    ◆ 高考后独自赴澳留学,已有7年海外学习生活经历,熟悉美国高等学府的申请活动规划
    ◆ 3年背景提升指导经验, 学生进入康奈尔、加州大学伯克利分校、 洛杉矶分校、雪城大学等 Top 50名校就读
    ◆ 精通英文和中文,掌握熟练韩语


    ◆ B.S in Business Administration, Concentrated in Finance and Accounting, Boston University
    ◆ Worked as a school counselor in one of the best domestic international high schools and helped students receive offers from Rice University, USC, UCLA and other top 30 US universities
    ◆ Experiences in CITIC Securities and US domestic accounting firm
    ◆ National Teaching Certificate, US Bartender Certificate
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese, conversational in Korean
    ◆ 波士顿大学,工商管理学士,主修金融与会计
    ◆ 曾在国内某知名国际高中任校内指导,成功帮助学生录取莱斯大学、南加州大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校等前30美国名校
    ◆ 拥有教师资格证,美国调酒师证
    ◆ 精通英文和中文,会基础韩语

  • Yizi

    ◆ M.S. in Mass Communication, College of Communication, Boston University
    ◆ Master of Business Administration, Concentration in Information Technology, Goldey-Beacom College
    ◆ Five years’ experience living in the U.S; Professional experience in Journalism and Social Media Marketing working in China, Boston and New York
    ◆ Three years’ experience helping students with their applications for Top 50 American universities and elevating their integrative competence
    ◆ Student of the distinguished New York Times columnist David Carr’s class at Boston University
    ◆ 波士顿大学传播学院大众传播硕士
    ◆ 芶地毕肯学院工商管理硕士,主攻信息技术方向
    ◆ 归国从事留学申请与英语口语教学工作3年,曾帮助多名学生申请到全美Top 50名校,并全方位提升他们的综合能力
    ◆ 曾被选中成为纽约时报著名专栏记者David Carr在波士顿大学授课的学生


    ◆ B.A. in Economics, Minored in Business, University of Southern California.
    ◆ Received High School Education in England, 7 years experience abroad. Traveled and lived in United States, England, Spain, Israel and Jordan.
    ◆ Familiar with Elite Universities in the U.S. and the Application Process
    ◆ 3 Years of Experience in U.S. College Application Consulting, Specialty: Schools on the West Coast
    ◆ Students Admitted to UCLA, USC, UCSB, Vanderbilt and Other Top 30 U.S. Colleges
    ◆ 南加州大学,经济学学士,辅修商科
    ◆ 高中起独自赴英国接受教育,有7年海外生活经验及学习经历,曾独自旅居于美国,英国,西班牙,以色列和约旦,中英文俱佳
    ◆ 对美国顶尖院校,尤其西海岸院校知识及申请策略尤为熟悉
    ◆ 3年美本申请指导经验,学生进入加州大学洛杉矶分校、圣巴巴拉分校、南加州大学,范德堡大学等前30名校就读

  • Jonathan

    ◆ B.A. in Philosophy and Economics, New York University
    ◆ Areas of Focus: International Economics, Ethics, Epistemology, Phenomenology, and Logic
    ◆ 4 + Years of Professional Experience in Customer Service and Business Managing
    ◆ Served as a Student Tutor at an Elite School, Helping Undergraduate Students Develop Their Papers
    ◆ 纽约大学,哲学与经济学专业,双学士学位
    ◆ 擅长国际经济学,伦理学,知识论,现象学,逻辑学等领域
    ◆ 4年以上的客户服务以及商业管理经验
    ◆ 顶尖大学学生辅导经验,指导学生学业及论文


    ◆ • MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management, Sheffield Hallam University
    ◆ 3 Years of Student Mentoring Experience, Providing Students with Solid College Information and Feasible Activity Planning.
    ◆ Experience in Conducting Full Market Research Processes ,Marketing , Project Management, Planning, Scheduling, and Implementation
    ◆ Fluent in English and Chinese, Conversational in Spanish
    ◆ PADI certified Open Water Diver
    ◆ 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学, 国际酒店与旅游管理专业硕士
    ◆ 有三年学生指导经验,善于为学生提供详尽的学校资讯并帮助学生策划具有可行性的课外活动方案
    ◆ 拥有丰富的市场调研市场推广经验,项目规划与执行经验
    ◆ 精通英文和中文,掌握熟练的西班牙语
    ◆ 受PADI认证的公开水域潜水员


    ◆ B.S. in Information Systems, The Max M. Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, minored in Music; Summa Cum Laude, Pace Setter Award (highest recognition)
    ◆ Global Education Background from USA, Singapore, UK, and China
    ◆ Experience in Business Analytics, Data Warehousing, and Decision Support Systems
    ◆ Enthusiast and Trouble-shooter in the Integrated Realm of media, technology, and business innovation
    ◆ 俄亥俄州立大学费舍尔商学院,信息系统工商管理学士,辅修音乐;获得最高学术及荣誉奖项毕业
    ◆ 具有横跨美国、新加坡、英国和中国的国际化教育背景
    ◆ 在商业分析、数据仓储和决策支持系统方面有资深经验
    ◆ 在媒体、科技及商业创新的交叉领域的行家

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